
User Story Title


As a [type of user], I want [a goal or objective], so that [benefit or reason].

Acceptance Criteria

  • [Specify the conditions that must be met for the user story to be considered complete]
  • [Clearly define the expected outcomes or behavior]


  • [Break down the user story into specific tasks or sub-tasks]
  • [List the steps or actions required to complete the user story]


  • [Identify any dependencies or prerequisites required for this user story]
  • [This could include other user stories, epics, or external factors]

Resources and Documentation

  • [Provide links or references to any relevant documentation, design files, or external resources]


  • [Add any additional notes or comments that are relevant to the user story]
  • [This could include clarifications, suggestions, or any other information]

Estimated Effort

  • [Specify the estimated effort or story points required to complete the user story]
  • [This helps with planning and prioritization]

Team Members

  • [List the team members who will be responsible for working on this user story]
  • [Include their roles or responsibilities]


  • [Add relevant labels to categorize the user story (e.g., priority, feature type)]

Related Epics or Issues

  • [Provide links or references to any related epics, issues, or tasks]

Definition of Done

  • [Specify the conditions that must be met for the user story to be considered complete]
  • [This could include code reviews, testing, documentation, etc.]